Reports to the Supervisory Body (Whistleblowing)



Through the reporting system, it is possible, to employees and third parties, to report problems related to non-compliance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct, the Organizational Model or in the business procedures adopted by Orizzonte Sistemi Navali. The best way to send a report is in a non-anonymous form, as it makes it easier to ascertain the facts and possibly collect additional information. The adopted system meets the requirements required by Law no. 179/2017 “Provisions for the protection of perpetrators of reports of crimes or irregularities that they have become aware of in the context of a public or private employment relationship”.

What to Communicate

Some examples, not exhaustive, of possible reports include:

  • situations of conflict of interest considered unknown by the company;
  • acts of corruption by third parties against employees or by the latter against third parties;
  • fraud;
  • intentional communication of false information to Public Administrations;
  • .....

Vague, unsubstantiated reports, or reports that are clearly made in bad faith or have slanderous or defamatory content will not be taken into consideration. Any reports not pertaining to the Supervisory Body (OdV) will be transmitted to the competent functions.

How to Communicate

  • Online platform: sending through the platform can take place with or without registration. In both cases, the channel is suitable to ensure the confidentiality of the sources and information in its possession, without prejudice to legal obligations. Use the following link to access the platform:
  • Mailing address: Orizzonte Sistemi Navali S.p.A., c/o ALS, Viale Brigata Bisagno, 45r, 16129 Genova Riservato OdV

The Company provides for the use of two alternative reporting channels:


The Company provides for the use of two alternative reporting channels:
The confidentiality of the sources and information in your possession is guaranteed, without prejudice to legal obligations. Furthermore, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali will not carry out retaliatory actions (disciplinary sanctions, decommissioning, suspension, dismissal) or will discriminate in any way in the workplace against company personnel who have carried out actions in good faith aimed at reporting events or situations related to compliance with the Code of Conduct, the Organizational Model, business procedures or in any case with legal regulations.