Italian Navy exercises its option for the fourth offshore patrol vessel (OPV) from OSN


As part of the Italian Navy's OPV (Offshore Patrol Vessel) program, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) has received notification from the Navy of the exercise of the option for the construction of the fourth new-generation patrol vessel, including the related logistical support. "The fourth OPV joins the previous three contracted on July 31 2023, replacing the patrol vessels currently in service, which will reach the end of their operationallife in the coming years. The engineering expertise of Orizzonte Sistemi Navali at the Whole Warship level will enable the Navy to have operationally advancedand state-of-the-art technologically patrol vessels that will help strengthent he control of merchant traffic, the protection of Sea Lines of Communication, and the Italian Exclusive Economic Zone", commented Giovanni Sorrentino, CEO of Orizzonte Sistemi Navali